Dee Reveals Cock Rockers Are Mainly Domestic Animals: ‘Gene Simmons Is Full Of Sh*t’
Courtesy of Inquisitr
Twisted Sister’s Dee Snider has spectacularly debunked myths about womanizing rock stars, explaining that most guys in bands he knows are domestic animals – even Kiss’s Gene Simmons, who Snider snidely dismisses with contempt as being “full of sh*t.”
As a breed of animal, your average strutting, screaming, and spandex wearing cock rocker in a1980s hair metal band was a very strange species. When these heavily-made up men withtheir bouffant, bottle blonde hair, skyscraper heels, woman’s blouses, exploding cod-pieces,and tighter than tight leather pants rolled into town on their Harleys, the word on the street wasyou better local up your daughters and keep a close eye on your wives, because these guysmay look like she-males with a seriously bad taste in clothes, but in reality they were seriouswomanizers and professional Lotharios, capable of bedding any woman who caught their eye.
Except it turns out that this just wasn’t true. Well at least not according toTwisted Sister’sDeeSnider.
Dee, along withWaspfront man Blackie Lawless andPoison’sBrett Michaels, was perhapsone of the more comical exponents of the cock rock genre. With his peroxide cork screw perm,and poorly applied make-up with made him look like a transexual zombie, Snider could oftenbe found clutching the uncooked bone of some poor dumb animal imploring his fans to”StayHungry” and screaming hysterically that “We’re Not gonna Take It.” What “we” weren’t going totake is anybody’s guess. Perhaps it was Blackie Lawless’s exploding codpiece or buttock exposing leather pants?
Now that Snider’s big hair, garish outfits, and theatrical make-up have been consigned to a dustbin that lies in a dark corner of musical history with a sign on it saying “Extremely Toxic! DoNot Open,” the Twisted Sister frontman has debunked the time-honored myth of the Lothariorock star in an interview with Mitch Lafon.
The Twisted Sister, has been with his wife Suzette, a costume designer, for 38 years, and explained how his position is not unique in the pantheon of cock rockers.
Other rockers renowned for their hell-raising and womanising ways but who in fact have beendomesticated for many a moon by the hand of a strong woman include Gene Simmons, AngusYoung, Alice Cooper, and Jon Bon Jovi.
Classic Rockreports how Snider lets rip about what the Twisted Sister singer perceives as oneof rock’s last great myths.
Snider points out that actors as well as cock rockers who have to deal with the stigma of not being able to hold down a long-term relationship.
“I was talking with Kevin Bacon and I said to him, ‘You’ve had a long relationship with Kyra, what do you attribute that to?’ And he said, ‘You just don’t hear about the successes, only the failures.’ I started to think about it and started putting a list together, and it’s f*cking long. It’s a long list of successful entertainment relationships in rock ‘n’ roll, in theatre and in movies.
“And he’s right. You don’t hear about Jon Bon Jovi and his wife, Bono and his wife, Alice Cooper and his wife. It’s only the fantastic flare-ups and blow-ups and failures you hear about. It turns out there’s a lot of us but nobody cares because it’s not interesting.”
Snider then points to Kiss bassist Gene Simmons as one of the main perpetrators of the cock rocker as Casanova myth.