
I’m Angry at A.J. for Dying
Dee Snider just unleashed a bitter rant about Twisted Sister drummer A.J. Pero's death -- saying his heart attack was totally avoidable, but Pero did nothing to save himself or protect his family. Dee...

How Dee and His Wife Keep Their Marriage Rocking
In a business not known for fostering healthy and stable relationships, singer Dee Snider and his wife, Suzette, have somehow made their marriage work for 34 years and running, even...

A.J. Pero A Tribute in Photographs by Mark “WEISSGUY Weiss
A.J. Pero was laid to rest (3/26/15). We took this photo in 1985 after a shoot we did with his monster Ludwig drum kit for the "Come Out and Play"...

Dee on Oprah’s Where Are They Now?
See Dee on Oprah's 'Where Are They Now?' this Sunday, April 5, 2015 on the Own Network.

A Tribute to AJ Pero
Adrenaline Mob at the Starland Ballroom 3/21/15 - A TRIBUTE TO A.J.PERO. It's hard to comprehend that A.J. is gone. Check out this video from Saturday night's very special show...

AJ Pero – Oct 14, 1959 – Mar 20, 2015 R.I.P.
"Today I lost a brother. Anthony Jude Pero passed away. A.J. was the final piece in a band that would become an international sensation and one of the greatest live...

Tommy Thayer Imitating Ace Frehley is Insulting
Listen to the Eddie Trunk Interview