

The Magic of Christmas Day

Courtesy of Chicago Tribune This week’s Theater Loop Showcase video is a stocking stuffed with holiday cheer. It’s “Dee Snider’s Rock & Roll Christmas Tale” featuring, of course, Dee Snider...

A Chicago Thing – Discount Tickets

Come and rock out to DEE SNIDER’S ROCK & ROLL CHRISTMAS TALE at the Broadway Playhouse at Water Tower Place (175 E. Chestnut) before it closes January 4! It tells the story of...

Twisted Sister to Play Tons of Rock – Norway

Watch the Video | Festival Info

Northwest Indiana Times: Review

Written by Eloise Marie Valadez for nwitimes.com There's a bit of a different and somewhat skewered take on the holidays unfolding on stage at Broadway Playhouse at Water Tower Place...

Heavy metal holiday gift guide

Written by Melanie Falina for AXS Like it or not, the holiday season is upon us! And although there are several, one of the things that's sure to cause frustration...

Q&A: Wilam Tarris of ‘Dee Snider’s Rock & Roll Christmas Tale’

Interview by Emma Rubenstein for The DePaulia This winter, Broadway in Chicago is bringing a new take on holiday theater to the city. Written by Dee Snider of Twister Sister...

Cutlass: Review

Written by Tess O'Brien for Cutlass When hearing about a Rock ‘n’ Roll Christmas show, many people shudder at the absurdity of it. However, those people probably haven’t heard the...

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