

Dee Isn’t Done With Us Yet

In 2016, Twisted Sister performed what the band said were its final shows. Without wasting any time, frontman Dee Snider released We Are the Ones, a solo album that embraces his hard rock roots, while...

House of Hair: 1,000 Shows In 20 Years On The Air

Dee celebrates 20 years and 1,000 shows with his national radio show, "The House Of Hair," syndicated through Sun Broadcast Group. Dee’s special 1,000th episode will air this Saturday, February 11th. To...

Battle Royale

Vote for Dee!

Dee Becomes the ‘Elder Statesman’ of Rock

Dee Snider doesn’t have much to rebel against anymore, so he is willing to do your rebelling for you.  Snider says when he wrote “We’re Not Gonna Take It,” it...

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